
SEMF Circle of Friends

To donate online please click here 

SEMF Circle of Friends is designed to give sustainability both financially and programmatically over the coming years to help enable the very best chamber music festival while keeping the event small and intimate.  The circle is designed to specifically support bringing the highest quality artists to SEMF every year.

Circle of Friends  2024 – Support a Chairs

By sponsoring a chair (either individually or as a syndicate) you are not only supporting the artist but also enabling Howard and Chris to continue ensuring the magic.   The Sponsoring of a Chair is Tax deductable through the Australian Creative Fund.

We would like to thank you for your time in considering this program and hope that you can help us continue to secure the level of artistry at Sanguine Estate Music Festival.

We have now established our Australian Cultural Fund account that enables tax deductible donations to be made by Credit Card.

To donate online please click here 

For further information please contact us via the website or contact

Tam Vu: [email protected]
Chris Howlett: [email protected] or 0408339145